Creative Masterminds Group
First Thing First.
What Is A Creative Masterminds Group?
As originator of Masterminds Groups, Napoleon Hill had a very simple definition: A Masterminds Group is "the coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony." In any Mastermind Group you might ask other members: "Who is thriving and why?" and "How might they be emulated."
Look at what is working for one member of the group. Ask yourself why it is working. Then figure out how you might emulate this success in your own business. It might mean reformulating your marketing plan, how you tell your story to make your service more compelling or even your own artistic style. In other words, what works for you might work for someone else who hasn't thought of your unique approach.
A Masterminds Group allows you to make introductions and connections that might be impossible to make otherwise. And, all of the above are very powerful when you want to succeed.
Joining a Masterminds Group is also about giving back and helping others. You have skills and experience that others in the group don't have and vice versa. The common theme is we are in the group to share and help each other. There is something amazing about witnessing a business problem solved by the group. We are a part of the group to support and receive support. There are no secrets to success and no protectionism. We are members to help one another succeed beyond our wildest imaginations.
What Are The Benefits Of Joining A Creative Masterminds Group?
You will create deep and lasting connections with some incredible people.
The life of an an artist, writer or photographer can be lonely – Sharing your dreams, aspirations and challenges with a group of like minded individuals makes it a lot less lonely! You will naturally raise your game as you spend more time in the company of these like minded creative people – the people you spend the most time with will change – for the better!
To Challenge Yourself
A Mastermind Group will challenge you to grow your business to its fullest potential. In day to day business activity it is easy to get side tracked and be unfocused – with a Mastermind Group you will keep on track.
At the end of each meeting you will have an action plan, objectives you need to meet before the next meeting – which the Group will hold you to account for. It takes real discipline to succeed in any endeavour. Being held to account by your mastermind colleagues ensures you maintain the disciplined behavior necessary to succeed in your creative business.
Share your ideas and alternatives within your Mastermind Group. If you are not sure what to do next, what direction to go in, the collective power of the Mastermind will kick in and get you back on track!
Receive feedback from successful individuals on how to solve business issues. Perhaps you marketing issues or financial challenges – let the Mastermind help you resolve them. Remember in the group we all have the same goal – to help each other grow their business. There is no hidden agenda – everyone is on the same side.
Sometimes business is difficult and the challenges can seem overwhelming. Perhaps you have a difficult client or don't know how to gain more clients – chances are your Mastermind colleagues have experienced the same issue. You will never be short of alternative suggestions on how to overcome issues. Additionally, you will develop deep and meaningful friendships over above all the business help.
Focus & clarity
Sometimes the day to day activities of being a photographer, artist or writer can distract us. The Group will keep you on track – just when you are losing focus, the group will remind you of your purpose and why you are in business.
Better Decision making
It is easy to put off a decision – but with a Mastermind Group you have your own due-diligence team to give you the confidence you need when making an important decision.
Increased Confidence
Better decision making means greater confidence – greater confidence spreads contagiously and inspires everyone to perform better. You will feel good. You will feel more confident.
Looking for new ideas for your business? Have a new idea for your business? Want objective feedback and help with that idea? The group will provide more ideas and constructive feedback on your ideas.
Increased Profits
Many artists, photographers and writers leave money (profits) on the table – the purpose of the group is to help you take full advantage of all the opportunities that surround you and build your business into the huge success it deserves to be.
Discover new business partners and cross promotion.
Collaboration is the name of the game. You may find someone in the group that is a perfect fit to work on a project with you. Or, you may be the perfect person to help another member as well. The group works together collaboratively, to achieve more together.
Think bigger.
You can’t help but think bigger and stretch beyond your boundaries when surrounded by amazing people doing amazing things. Fellow Mastermind members will help you to see the potential you are missing out on.
Expand Your Skills.
Everyone in a mastermind group is unique in skill, experience and connections. Everyone is expert at something and as you interact with each other you will be picking up new skills and talents – all the time, working towards a definite purpose, in the spirit of harmony. There is a special energy that surrounds a group of success minded individuals – an energy that lifts the individual and the group. In a Mastermind Group participants raise the bar by challenging each other to create and implement goals, brainstorm ideas, and support each other with total honesty, respect and compassion.
Helping Others.
It was Zig Ziglar who said: “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” You will get great satisfaction from helping other business owners in their businesses.
Hot Seats
The principle of a Hot Seat is that you get a chance to present to the group your biggest challenge or issue right now. For starters this helps you gain clarity on the issue you are facing and what you need help on. The Group in turn will provide you with a series of options and opportunities to follow up on and the person in the Hot Seat walks away with lots more ideas and solutions than they could generate on their own. In my experience, especially in bigger groups, not everyone will get an opportunity to Hot Seat every meeting – but even those not in the Hot Seat invariably walk away with new insights and ways of looking at things.
New Business Ideas
I have purposely not placed the reasons to join a Mastermind Group in any particular order – but on a personal level I would have to credit the generation of New Business Ideas as one of the biggest benefits of joining a Mastermind Group. These are ideas over and above anything I may have come across when brainstorming – these are completely new ideas, not even related to my existing business. Just being in the same room as all this superior business brain power has led to some of my best new business ideas.
“If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.”
– George Bernard Shaw
What The Creative Masterminds Group Is Not:
The Creative Mastermind Group is not a therapy session, a platform for negativity, a gossip session, or a oh woe is me platform.
Please Note:
This Creative Masterminds Group is built on trust, integrity and sharing. Naturally the format of this Creative Masterminds Group means that you and your fellow members will be sharing sensitive information. It is therefore important you understand the importance of holding a confidence. The Group facilitator (that's me - Mark Paulda) will establish ground rules for the group that includes confidentiality. Typically what is said within the group remains within the room! No sharing of information with non-members.
Going alone on your journey in business as an artistic person can be done though it isn't easy. If you are ready to join this exclusive group, expand your ideas and your business, share with others, think bigger, be challenged and a whole lot more, consider joining the Creative Masterminds Group.
We will meet via live group video sessions. This is not a social media group, but a private one that will be facilitated by Mark Paulda. The aim is to include creative professionals including: photographers, artists and writers. The group will be limited to ten members to start. The limit may increase only slightly as time goes by.
It is my job to put together a group of six creatives (plus myself) who are compatible and can benefit to and from the group. The aim is to begin Summer 2021.
The Cost For Membership To The Creative Masterminds Group: $1200 for one year.
$1200 per year is only $ 100 per month; reasonable for the benefits you will receive.
A $100 Deposit is Required. After you pay the $100 deposit, you will receive a short membership application form. The application form will have an assortment of questions that will help determine who amongst us fits best as a group. There are only six spots available in the Creative Masterminds Group. This means not all applicants will be accepted. If you are not accepted into the group, your $100 deposit will be returned to you. If your application is accepted, please be prepared to pay the balance in full. No exceptions.