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Get very good at the thing you want to do through hard work, discipline and practice. Get very good at tooting your own horn without apology.


  • Realize that there will be opposition and it will increase as you expand.


  • There is no such thing as an overnight success. Get up, don't complain and do the work. Stop waiting for someone to discover you and stop subconsciously making it difficult for them to discover you and then complaining that nothing ever works out for you. 


  • Stop making excuses for why you canʼt do it and start figuring out ways you can do it. 


  • Stop measuring yourself against other people. Yes, some people have an easier time than others. Some people are smarter, prettier, funnier and more creative than others. Thatʼs the way it goes. Being jealous of them is a waste of your time and energy and itʼs a surefire ticket to sidetracked land. Focus on your goals. 


  • Most people are more afraid of success than they are of failure. Therefore through excuse making or magical thinking they prevent themselves from achieving success. Then they blame the universe or their excuses or fate or bad luck. If you arenʼt succeeding, blame you. Youʼre in charge. You make the luck.


Get very good at tooting your own horn without apology. I think this just might be the toughest part of being a freelance photographer. Weʼve been taught not to be boastful or egocentric. Plus it feels weird talking about ourselves in public. Itʼs not done. Itʼs especially difficult for shy people, but even extroverts have problems with this aspect of PR. You canʼt create success in a vacuum. You have to tell people who you are and what you do and why it matters.

Self Promotion For Photographers

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