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Before you can take your idea to implementation (where the magic and the money happens), you need to get crystal clear on your reasons for pursuing this particular online business, your core motivators, your current skill set, your alignment and your audience.


This workbook will guide your through your own customized clarity process that you’ll be able to repeat for each new epic idea that you have.




In a coaching call, two peers go through this process where one is (temporarily) in the role of “coach.” The coach is the question asker, the facilitator, the insight illuminator and the knowledge bomb dropper. Yes, you can accomplish this one your own, but the fastest and easiest way to clarity is with someone else in the questioning role. So if you have a smart business friend, set up a coffee date or a virtual 1:1 to bounce these ideas and questions off of each other.


When you are unclear, you can get stuck in endless loops of Analysis Paralysis. Because when you can do everything, it’s hard to do anything...

Start Here : Taking Your Photography Business From Confused To Clear

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